Posted on 5/18/2021
Most people know the importance of changing the oil regularly to keep their vehicles running smoothly. However, few think of the coolant system, the water pump, and their role in keeping them safe on the road. The water pump ensures that the coolant runs consistently through the hoses, engine block, and radiator, ensuring that each is kept at a safe temperature. Unfortunately, if the water pump is not working right, the engine will overheat in summer or freeze during winter. This damages cylinder heads, gaskets, and pistons and, eventually, the death of the entire engine. Here are some signs that a pump is failing: Leaking Coolant: If you find a puddle of the coolant where you have parked your car, this may point to a faulty water pump. Various seals and gaskets in the water pump may break, crack or dry out, letting the coolant out of the pump. If you see a puddle of pink, orange, blue, or green liquid on the spot you had parked the car, take it to a repair shop. Dust buildup on the ... read more