Posted on 11/25/2022
Car troubles should be the least of your concerns over the holidays, which is why we are here to remind you to take care of your brakes. In the upcoming months, we may see ice and snow covering Burnt Hills. If you want to avoid every driver’s worst nightmare, then make sure your brakes are in good shape. Here are our top 3 brake tips to combat the colder seasons: Tip #1: Inspect Brake Fluid Most people are only concerned with their brake pads or shoes but tend to push brake fluid off to the side. However, brake fluid is pivotal to smooth and efficient braking. Not only can brake fluid run low but it can deteriorate and leak as a result of poor maintenance. Therefore, please check on your brake fluid to avoid outright brake failure. It is as simple as opening the hood and looking into the clear reservoir. The fluid should be clean and clear yellowish in color. If not, you should bring your car to Gil’s Garage for a fluid flush. Tip #2: Check Brake Pads Next ... read more